Take Action
Tell the TSA what you really think about Secure Flight.
Remember, be polite yet forceful. Here are a few talking points:
- Since when did the Executive Branch have the right to stop Americans from traveling?
- More than 120,000 names are on terrorist watch lists that the TSA will use to screen fliers. Nowhere does the TSA mention testing the right of passengers to seek redress of an error. It is also mute on how a flier who is wrongly placed on the watch list could have his or her name removed.
- No one who flew in June of 2004 gave their permission for that information to be turned-over to the government. This appears to be an illegal data dump as no Privacy Act notice was given.
- The TSA has a horrible record on privacy. During the past two years, the TSA secretly obtained millions of travel records from several airlines and airline-reservation systems and passed these records on to private contractors.
- TSA already has millions of travel records and ran testing on these records. Why do they need more records? What were the results of the earlier testing?
- No one within the TSA has been punished for the earlier, secret privacy invasions.
- The inspector general of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), still hasn't completed their investigation into all of TSA's previous privacy violations.
- The terrorist watch lists are a mess. TSA will use lists that have been proven to be inaccurate in order to test a system that has no proven effectiveness: garbage in, garbage out.
- The millions of tax dollars that will be spent on 'Secure Flight' would be better spent on things we know will work, such as cargo screening, better training for TSA employees, and point-to-point baggage matching.
- This is America, not Communist China. Internal border controls are un-American.
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